Hey guys! I am super excited to share with you my full morning skin care routine feature products that have been suggested to me from a licensed esthetician at Face to Face Spa, a Medi Spa here in Austin! This is my full routine with all of the products that I am currently using! Let’s jump into it!

Step 1: ZO Skin Health Hydrating Cleanser
The first thing I do is grab my Hydrating Cleanser. I am now on my second bottle because I love this so much! A little goes a long way, so you don’t have to worry about applying this product more than once! I love the consistency of this cleanser. Originally, I thought it might be a little oily and feeling as though it would leave some residue behind because of the hydrating aspect of it, but to my surprise this cleanser creates super suds and can take off any amount of dirt and grim, including makeup!

Step 2: ZO Skin Health Offects Exfoliating Polish
This step is not something I do daily, but have definitely built up to doing more often! Because my skin is “weak” I started out by exfoliating with this polish once/week. Now that my skin has rejuvinated and strengthened, I can use this up to 3 times/week without my skin feeling sensitive the next day. This exfoliating polish has the tiniest beads in it, so you don’t have to worry about your skin becoming scratched and scared like some exfoliating products out there! I love using this before applying my makeup because it gives me a soft, clean canvas to work on!

Step 3: Skin Ceuticals Phloretin CF
I have heard nothing but good things about Skin Ceuticals, and I can now vouch for that after using two of their products! This Vitamin C serum will do your skin WONDERS! I mentioned in a previous post that it smells like coffee in the most glorious way possible. After washing my face, my skin is in need of some TLC! This serum helps brighten and tighten and give me a beautiful glow throughout the day!
Step 4: Skin Ceuticals H.A. Intensifier

So, did you know there is a difference between “dry” skin and “dehydrated” skin? I didn’t, but I do now and guess what, I have the latter. This serum heps amplify the skin’s hyaluronic acid levels. AKA this bad boy holds in some major moisture! With the weather doing all kinds of crazy things here in Texas, my skin needs all of the moisture it can possibly get!
Step 5: ZO Skin Ommerse Renewal Creme

Yes, you are seeing that right. Renewal Creme. My skin is SO dehydrated that not only am I using a moisturizing serum, but a moisturizer on top of that! This creme has a whisper of retinol, so it aids in anti-aging and tightening. Originally, I began using this creme as a night time renewal creme, HOWEVER, I slowly learned that my skin needed it in the mornings as well! Unlike other renewal cremes I have used in the past, this one is light enough to wear makeup on top of without feeling like a giant grease ball!

Step 6: Elta MD UV Daily SPF 40
You might recognize this from a previous post of mine. I am recently just now learning about the importance of SPF….like…within the past 3 months kind of recent! I always thought since I sit in an office all day that I was safe. Fun Fact: did you know your skin can get damaged from the lights within the building that you thought you were so safe in! #MindBlown. But seriously! I have been generously applying this to my face, neck, chest, and hands! My favorite part, it is safe to use on youngins!

Step 7: ZO Skin Health Oclipse Sunscreen+Primer
I mainly use this for the tinted primer, it’s just a plus that it has sunscreen in it! This has to be my all time favorite primer! With it being tinted, I see an even skin tone IMMEDIATELY after applying it! I have had issues in the past with primers having a silicone base that leads to makeup separation. I have never had that problem with this primer! Soft, smooth, even skin tone? I’ll take it!

NEW Step 8: ZO Skin Health Oraser Body Emulsion Plus
Okay, this is my newest addition to my morning routine, however, it is not a product I use on my face. I haven’t talked much about this, but I suffer from what is called Keratosis Pilaris. Pretty much, my body produces a lot of Keratin and as a result I have what some call “chicken skin” on my upper arms. It looks and feels exactly how it sounds, bumpy, scratchy, rough and red. The bumps resemble itty bitty white heads, but they aren’t pimples! I have begun using this moisturizer in hopes that in addition to exfoliating, my Keratosis Pilaris will start to fade! After I use this product a while longer I plan on revealing before and after pictures, so stay tuned for that!
Click the link to Face to Face Spa and check out how you can become a member and be eligible for amazing services and education to better your skin!
Much Love,

#SkinCare #morningroutine #FacetoFaceSpa #ZOSkinHealth #Obagi #SkinCeuticals #EltaMD #ZOSkinHealthHydratingCleanser #ZOSkinHealthOffectsExfoliatingPolish #SkinCeuticalsPhloretinCF #SkinCeuticalsHAIntensifier #ZOSkinOmmerseRenewalCreme #EltaMDUVDailySPF40 #ZOSkinHealthOclipseSunscreenPrimer #ZOSkinHealthOraserBodyEmulsionPlus