Opening a skin care franchise in your local area can provide an excellent resource for community members seeking a new path to wellness. In addition to discovering a results-driven skin care regimen, your clients will be supported by a team of experienced and caring esthetic professionals.
Overall, the key to creating a dynamic destination for medical-grade skin care lies in effective marketing.
Here are 3 ways to generate buzz about your skin care franchise location:
Promotions. Nothing sounds sweeter than “savings.” Consider celebrating your skin care business’ debut with a special offer on products and services. Promotions pair well with a fun and exciting grand opening event. Say hello to your new neighbors with food, drink, skin care demonstrations and offers that will keep clients coming back for more.
Loyalty Programs. When it comes to skin care, clients like to frequent professionals they can trust. Reward members who frequently refer friends with a special token of appreciation, such as discounted skin care products or a free makeup application. Members who receive their monthly facial for 6 consecutive months without cancellations could receive special perks for their commitment. Get creative about the best ways to show love to your most faithful clients!
Get involved. Be on the lookout for ways your brand can engage with the community. Sponsor an upcoming 5k and provide free skin care services to runners at the finish line. Partner with the local PTA and host a pampering session for busy moms. Show the communities you serve that you’re invested in their development, and they’ll keep you in mind as a company that cares.
Standout marketing can help you establish your medi-spa franchise as a contender in your local business landscape. Face to Face Franchising provides unparalleled spa franchise spa franchise support and benefits to skin care franchise owners. Request more information about our franchise opportunity to learn more.